From the County PressTeens from the Lapeer area got to mix it up with the big time last weekend, when the country’s most

competitive statewide FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics effort held its competition at Eastern Michigan University.
Lapeer County was well-represented with not one, but two, teams at the state competition. Kids from Lapeer East and West High Schools went as members of the Chimeras team, coached by Tony Diodato. Students from Lapeer County Education and Technology Center formed Galak Tech 3535, coached by Jeff Beatley.
It was the first time for either local team to compete at the state level, and Galak Tech’s rookie year as a team.
The Lapeer area teams held their own in the intense competition.
“Both the Chimeras and Galak Tech battled valiantly in their 12 matches sometimes with and sometimes against the powerhouse teams. The 68 teams are randomly mixed in 3 on 3 matches over the 3 day competition,” said Diodato.
Team Galak Tech picked up 79 points overall, placing 56th, and the Chimeras scored 67, placing 62nd.
“There is no doubt that Michigan is the epicenter of high school and professional robotics in the country,” said Diodato. “In no other concurrent regional event in the country could you score 110 points and still lose the match.” He points out that typical scores outside of Michigan are in the 30s.
“The students were very pleased in that they and the robot had done everything possible to win,” said Diodato of the Chimeras.
Although the hometown teams gave it their all and made an impressive showing, the St. Louis national competition remained out of reach this year. A very supportive Grand Blanc team, the Enginerds, placed 11th in the event, racking up the highest score at the state tournament. They’re among the teams headed to the nationals, as are students from Goodrich High School.
The state competitions mark the end of a frenzied season of non-stop thinking and doing that launched in January for the robotics team members.
“Our season has ended but we are ecstatic about our growth and success this year,” said Diodato. “None of it would be possible without the support of the schools, the community, the parents, local business and our generous sponsors.”
Diodato said there are some off-season events in coming months, and that the teams will be launching their fundraising for the next competition right away “in hopes of having the resources to be one of the power-house teams who make it all the way!”
The state competition finals will be broadcast on television on April 16 at 1 p.m. on ABC.