A former Lapeer East student is close to a goal, if you can help, please do, here is her note:
“I have recently entered a scholarship contest.To enter, I had to create a poster showing what I hopemy future will be – hence the name “Frame Your Future.”My entry made it into the top 24 out of over 9,000 entries.The top 5 vote getters will receive a $1,000 scholarship.
I would appreciate it if you would click on this link and vote for my entry. I was also hoping you would forward this email on to others to get the word out. The voting stops May 5th.
Thanks- I would appreciate your support!
Bree DeMeyere
Lapeer Community Schools is a dynamic community organization embracing our students with a quality learning environment, developing independent and confident learners for the future.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Family Literacy Center offers a free look at learning disabilities
The Family Literacy Center sent along the following opportunity:
Is school a frustrating experience for your child? Does he often experience anxiety, stomach aches, or other difficulties? Family Literacy Center offers a workshop to help you better understand the frustrations students have and gain techniques to help your child.
This 90 minute workshop is offered at NO COST to you! We will view an outstanding DVD by Richard Lavoie, educator, administrator, author, and consultant. This nationally known expert on learning disabilities will take us on a journey of discovery through his workshop called, “F.A.T. City”.
We will experience first hand the “Frustration, Anxiety, and Tension” a child with a learning disability goes through every day. Two sessions will be offered.
Tuesday, May 25
12:30-2:00 PM
Mott College, Lapeer Campus Room 204
Mott is located at 550 Lake Dr., Lapeer (SW corner of Genesee and Demille).
To register, call the Family Literacy Center at 810-664-2737
Family Literacy Center and the Lapeer District Library are partners for literacy in Lapeer County.
Is school a frustrating experience for your child? Does he often experience anxiety, stomach aches, or other difficulties? Family Literacy Center offers a workshop to help you better understand the frustrations students have and gain techniques to help your child.
This 90 minute workshop is offered at NO COST to you! We will view an outstanding DVD by Richard Lavoie, educator, administrator, author, and consultant. This nationally known expert on learning disabilities will take us on a journey of discovery through his workshop called, “F.A.T. City”.
We will experience first hand the “Frustration, Anxiety, and Tension” a child with a learning disability goes through every day. Two sessions will be offered.
Tuesday, May 25
12:30-2:00 PM
Mott College, Lapeer Campus Room 204
Mott is located at 550 Lake Dr., Lapeer (SW corner of Genesee and Demille).
To register, call the Family Literacy Center at 810-664-2737
Lapeer East High School bands "Excellent" at State Band Festival in Perry
Two Lapeer East High School bands scored “Excellent” ratings at the State Band Festival on Friday, April 23 at Perry High School.
The East Concert Band and the Symphony Band each received first division ratings at the Festival.
In addition to playing selected pieces of music, students are also required to perform a sight reading challenge in which they are given two pieces of music and a limited amount of time to practice and then perform in front of judges.
“I am very proud of all the students,” said East Band Director Lyniece Fenner.
The East Concert Band and the Symphony Band each received first division ratings at the Festival.
In addition to playing selected pieces of music, students are also required to perform a sight reading challenge in which they are given two pieces of music and a limited amount of time to practice and then perform in front of judges.
“I am very proud of all the students,” said East Band Director Lyniece Fenner.
Lapeer East,
Lyniece Fenner,
State Festival
Zemmer Middle School construction update - April 2010
Stop by and see the progress being made for the exciting opening of two new Middle Schools in the fall.
The photo gallery album is here.
Lapeer East students up early to support Food Bank of Eastern Michigan
Talent show winners and the East teachers "Mock Rock" group warmed up the crowd for the television show.
The edited 7-minute version can be found here at the Channel 12 website.
Photos of the event can be found at the District photo gallery.
Lapeer East,
Spirit assembly,
Spirit Cup,
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Two Lapeer West Choirs score well at State Festival at Rochester High School
Two Lapeer West High School choirs attended the State Choir Festival on Tuesday at Rochester High School with one achieving an “Excellent” rating and the other a “Good” rating.
The Mixed Chorus received a one rating or “Excellent,” which is equivalent to a “Superior” rating at Regional competitions.
Judges made many positive comments about the choir, and one offered the opinion that the West choir was “one of the top five choirs musically he heard all day.” Many high schools from around southeastern Michigan were at the event.
The second choir, the “After School Concert Choir,” which meets Tuesday and Friday after school, achieved the “Good Rating.”
“I am very proud of the choirs today,” said Mr. Thomas Kaiser, West Choir Director. “They were among the best of the State yesterday. The students continued to show why Lapeer is and has been a place where great music is being made.”
The Mixed Chorus received a one rating or “Excellent,” which is equivalent to a “Superior” rating at Regional competitions.
Judges made many positive comments about the choir, and one offered the opinion that the West choir was “one of the top five choirs musically he heard all day.” Many high schools from around southeastern Michigan were at the event.
The second choir, the “After School Concert Choir,” which meets Tuesday and Friday after school, achieved the “Good Rating.”
“I am very proud of the choirs today,” said Mr. Thomas Kaiser, West Choir Director. “They were among the best of the State yesterday. The students continued to show why Lapeer is and has been a place where great music is being made.”
Lapeer West,
State Festival,
Thomas Kaiser
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Lapeer West hosts Metro League schools at "Kids Against Hunger" food packing event
Working as a food packaging assembly line, the high school students from Brandon, Lapeer East, Lapeer West, Clio, Fenton, Holly, Kearsley, Linden and Oxford, packed 10,000 nutritious meals in about an hour Tuesday morning for the “Kids Against Hunger” project.
“A third of the meals will be used locally for people in need, a third will be sent to struggling nations overseas and a third will be kept in storage for use during natural disasters,” said Michael E. Burwell, Executive Director of “Kids Against Hunger.”
The meals combine dried vegetables, rice, soy and chicken flavoring into bags that contain six meals.
Before beginning the students, all members of their home schools’ student councils, watched a film on how “Kids Against Hunger” works to stem hunger internationally.
“It is a worthwhile program and we were proud to be the host for this year’s food packaging event,” said Ms. Hollie Marcola, high school guidance secretary at Lapeer West. “Our students appreciated the opportunity to be part of this community service project.”
To see more photos go to the District photo gallery.
Three Lapeer East 8th graders capture top prizes in Farm Bureau essay contest
Three Lapeer East High School students won first, second and third prize in the Farm Bureau Insurance 41st Annual America & Me Essay Contest.
Katelyn Hom won the first place essay, Katielynn Long was second and Jordan Gettel was third in the contest. All received certificates for their achievement. All the students are in eighth grade.
Katelyn’s name will also be engraved on a plaque to be displayed at the school and her essay will move to the Statewide competition.
Students who place in the top ten in Michigan receive a plaque, a medallion and a $1,000 cash award.
The topic of this year’s essay contest was “My Personal Michigan Hero.” Lapeer East’s participation in the contest was sponsored by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Craig VanNorman, of Lapeer.
Several thousand eighth grade students from nearly 500 Michigan schools participated in the 2009-2010 contest.
Started in 1968, the contest is open to all Michigan eighth grade students and encourages Michigan youngsters to explore their roles in America’s future. Farm Bureau Insurance has earned 11 national awards from the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge for its sponsorship of the essay contest.
Katelyn Hom won the first place essay, Katielynn Long was second and Jordan Gettel was third in the contest. All received certificates for their achievement. All the students are in eighth grade.
Katelyn’s name will also be engraved on a plaque to be displayed at the school and her essay will move to the Statewide competition.
Students who place in the top ten in Michigan receive a plaque, a medallion and a $1,000 cash award.
The topic of this year’s essay contest was “My Personal Michigan Hero.” Lapeer East’s participation in the contest was sponsored by Farm Bureau Insurance agent Craig VanNorman, of Lapeer.
Several thousand eighth grade students from nearly 500 Michigan schools participated in the 2009-2010 contest.
Started in 1968, the contest is open to all Michigan eighth grade students and encourages Michigan youngsters to explore their roles in America’s future. Farm Bureau Insurance has earned 11 national awards from the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge for its sponsorship of the essay contest.
"Eddie West" concert at Country Club set to help Lapeer High School Drama Club
Eddie West, a music group mainly made up of Lapeer West current and former teachers and their families, will perform its musical magic in support of The Lapeer High School Drama Club at the Lapeer Country Club, 3786 Hunt Road, from 7:30-11 p.m. Saturday, May 22.
Tickets are $10. A light food menu will be offered and the Country Club has a cash bar. There will also be prize drawings.
Students will be selling tickets at the May 7-9 performances of “Little Shop of Horrors” in the Lapeer East High School Auditorium.
Tickets are also available in the offices at Lapeer East and Lapeer West High Schools and will also be sold at the door on the night of the performance.
Money raised at the event will go to fund future sets and productions of the combined theater arts students at Lapeer East and Lapeer West High School.
Tickets are $10. A light food menu will be offered and the Country Club has a cash bar. There will also be prize drawings.
Students will be selling tickets at the May 7-9 performances of “Little Shop of Horrors” in the Lapeer East High School Auditorium.
Tickets are also available in the offices at Lapeer East and Lapeer West High Schools and will also be sold at the door on the night of the performance.
Money raised at the event will go to fund future sets and productions of the combined theater arts students at Lapeer East and Lapeer West High School.
Lapeer Police Officer Larry Taylor talks safety to Turrill Elementary students
Officer Taylor talks to students weekly about various safety areas that directly impact on children.
This week, Officer Taylor talked to the first/second grade split class of Mrs. Hayden, the second grade class of Mr. Mark Estelle, the fourth grade classes of Mrs. Lisa Gonzales and Ms. Aneta Lawrence, about Internet safety.
The officer also handed out copies of his “Police Officer” trading card.
Lapeer police,
Larry Taylor,
Turrill Elementary
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Deadline extended for two scholarships
The Lapeer County Community Foundation is extending the deadline for its Ronald C. Warner Scholarship and the Irma Gelhausen Scholarship to Friday, May 7, 2010.
The Warner Scholarship Fund, named for long-time local educator Ronald C. Warner, was established in 2008 to assist students in pursuing a career in agriculture or education. The student must be a resident of Lapeer County and in his or her third or more year of study with a cumulative GPA of 2.4 or higher. Annual award: $1,000.00
The Irma Gelhausen Scholarship, also named for a long-time local educator, is awarded to students pursuing a career in elementary or secondary education. The student must be a resident of Lapeer County, in his or her third or more year of study with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. Annual award: $1,000.00
More information and applications can be found on our website at www.lapeercommunityfoundation.org or by calling the Lapeer County Community Foundation at (810) 664-0691.
The Warner Scholarship Fund, named for long-time local educator Ronald C. Warner, was established in 2008 to assist students in pursuing a career in agriculture or education. The student must be a resident of Lapeer County and in his or her third or more year of study with a cumulative GPA of 2.4 or higher. Annual award: $1,000.00
The Irma Gelhausen Scholarship, also named for a long-time local educator, is awarded to students pursuing a career in elementary or secondary education. The student must be a resident of Lapeer County, in his or her third or more year of study with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. Annual award: $1,000.00
More information and applications can be found on our website at www.lapeercommunityfoundation.org or by calling the Lapeer County Community Foundation at (810) 664-0691.
Host families needed for French, Spanish students visiting Lapeer this summer
Want a summer you and a foreign student will never forget? Host families are needed for Spanish and French students traveling to Lapeer this summer as part of a summer foreign exchange program.
French students will be here from July 7-30 and Spanish students will be here from June 26-31.
The exchange students all speak English well and are looking for an opportunity to stay with an American family and improve their language skills.
Students from Spain are: Maria Medrano, 17, who likes basketball, dancing, movies, being with friends, reading, snow ski, horses and hiking; Ana Palacios,17, who likes basketball, swimming, computers, being with friends and music; Susana de la Rosa, 17, a fan of swimming, windsurfing, computers, dancing, movies, being with friends and music; and Carlota Izuierdo, 17, who likes basketball, movies, being with friends, reading and music.
Students from France are: Pierre Desflaches,17, who likes bicycling, camping, swimming, music, ice skating, soccer and tennis; Lucas Bernard, 16, a fan of basketball, plays guitar and languages;
Tudal Legrand, 17, an enthusiast of fishing, hunting, going out with friends, reading, music, water skiing and swimming; and Stanislas Banaszuk, 15, who likes animals and enjoys going out with friends.
Anyone interested in participating in this exciting program is asked to contact Mrs. Jeanine LeMieux at Lapeer West at (810) 667-2423 or at jlemieux@lapeerschools.org.
French students will be here from July 7-30 and Spanish students will be here from June 26-31.
The exchange students all speak English well and are looking for an opportunity to stay with an American family and improve their language skills.
Students from Spain are: Maria Medrano, 17, who likes basketball, dancing, movies, being with friends, reading, snow ski, horses and hiking; Ana Palacios,17, who likes basketball, swimming, computers, being with friends and music; Susana de la Rosa, 17, a fan of swimming, windsurfing, computers, dancing, movies, being with friends and music; and Carlota Izuierdo, 17, who likes basketball, movies, being with friends, reading and music.
Students from France are: Pierre Desflaches,17, who likes bicycling, camping, swimming, music, ice skating, soccer and tennis; Lucas Bernard, 16, a fan of basketball, plays guitar and languages;
Tudal Legrand, 17, an enthusiast of fishing, hunting, going out with friends, reading, music, water skiing and swimming; and Stanislas Banaszuk, 15, who likes animals and enjoys going out with friends.
Anyone interested in participating in this exciting program is asked to contact Mrs. Jeanine LeMieux at Lapeer West at (810) 667-2423 or at jlemieux@lapeerschools.org.
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