The public is invited to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony and tour the building at the open house that follows. Refreshments will be served.
Rolland-Warner Middle School was named for former Lapeer teacher and administrator Ronald Warner and former Woodside principal Doris Rolland. Mrs. Abi Warner, the wife of the late Ronald Warner, and Mrs. Rolland are scheduled to be at the event.
Construction at the site began in late May 2008 following a ground-breaking ceremony on May 20, 2008.
Reconstruction is currently under way at the former Zemmer Junior High School site. Rolland-Warner Middle School and Zemmer Middle School are scheduled to open to sixth, seventh and eighth grade students in the fall of 2010.
“This exciting event marks a new era in the education of children at Lapeer Community Schools,” said Superintendent Debbie Thompson. “We appreciate the voters of our community providing this beautiful and much needed facility for our District.”