Lapeer Community Schools is a dynamic community organization embracing our students with a quality learning environment, developing independent and confident learners for the future.
Friday, May 22, 2009
ABC 12 video on Spirit Cup now available
The video of the coverage of the award ceremony for the Spirit Cup is now up on the website of WJRT-TV, Channel 12.
Lapeer East,
Spirit Cup,
video link,
Lapeer East High School students honored for Spirit Cup food donation efforts
Lapeer East, which led the competition for several weeks after collecting 17,000 pounds of food for the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan ended up in fourth place.
It was Lapeer East that set the bar very high for the later schools.
Students from East were interviewed and will likely be shown on the news this afternoon. So far there is no link on the Channel 12’s website, but we’ll keep watching and put it up here when it does. It is now available here.
Lapeer East,
Spirit Cup,
Mayfield Elementary School host 11th annual Grandparents' Day on Friday
It was bonding time for Mayfield Elementary students and their grandparents on Friday, May 22nd at the school.
To get a peek at some of the activities go to the District's photo gallery here.
Teachers had special class presentations and the school hosted a special picnic lunch for the grandparents and students.
This was the 11th annual Grandparents' Day at Mayfield and about 400 grandparents or special family members were on hand to enjoy the programs.
It was Carnival Night at Schickler Elementary School Thursday
Students visited dozens of attractions inside and outside the school and a good time was had by all as anyone can see from these photos.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Turtles, chincillas, birds, frogs and snakes. Oh My! at Lynch Elementary School
Photos were taken in Mrs. Talia Leonard's class.
Students had an opportunity learn about reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals during the classroom presentations.
Also, the students had a chance to gently handle or pet the animals, if they wanted. The critters return to Lynch on Friday.
Lynch Elementary School,
Science Alive
Staff urged to show school spirit and raise money for the LCS Scholarship Fund May 29
On May 29, the LCS Scholarship Fund needs your support.
Each year, the LCS Scholarship Fund provides scholarships for students at Lapeer East, Lapeer West, and Lapeer Community High School. These scholarships are funded by donations each year. This year, Friday, May 29, was selected as LCS Scholarship fundraising day for 2009.
Staff members throughout the district are asked to donate a $5 toll for wearing either school spirit colors or jeans to work on Friday, May 29 in support of the LCS Scholarship Fund. Large envelopes will be available in each main office area for donations.
Please help us continue to support our LCS graduates on an annual basis!
Thanks for your help in this. Please contact Kevin Walters at Lapeer West, (810) 67-2423, if there are any questions.
Each year, the LCS Scholarship Fund provides scholarships for students at Lapeer East, Lapeer West, and Lapeer Community High School. These scholarships are funded by donations each year. This year, Friday, May 29, was selected as LCS Scholarship fundraising day for 2009.
Staff members throughout the district are asked to donate a $5 toll for wearing either school spirit colors or jeans to work on Friday, May 29 in support of the LCS Scholarship Fund. Large envelopes will be available in each main office area for donations.
Please help us continue to support our LCS graduates on an annual basis!
Thanks for your help in this. Please contact Kevin Walters at Lapeer West, (810) 67-2423, if there are any questions.
fund raising day,
LCS Scholarship Fund
Ground breaking at Zemmer marks exciting new beginning to the future of LCS
A large group of parents, students, staff and community leaders were on hand to mark the official beginning of construction work to transform Zemmer Junior High School into a state-of-the-art Middle School. More photos are here.
Students Billy Irvine and Blake Clements, of Seaton; Martin Flores and Brooke Soroka, of Murphy; and MacKenzie Putnam and Brianna King, of Turrill Elementary, led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Superintendent Debbie Thompson welcomed everyone to the event and introduced the Zemmer Band under the direction of Joann Royce which played "This Is My Country."
Board of Education President William Laidlaw thanked the community for the passage of the 2007 and welcomed a bright future for the Lapeer Community Schools with the eventual completion of two new middle schools in the fall of 2010.
The Board of Education members, William Laidlaw, Peggy Bush, John Nugent, Denise Becker, Michael Keller, Michael Nolan and Gary Oyster then official broke ground for the new school.
Following the Board were student participants from several elementary schools that will eventually feed into the new school. Participating were: Logan Morys and Anthony Tholl, of Schickler Elementary; McKenna Carr and Ryan Klingler, of Maple Grove Elementary; Olivia Petrie and Jessica Creason, of Mayfield Elementary; Allison Ciak and Matthew Gizinski, of Lynch Elementary; Billy Irvine and Blake Clements, of Seaton Elementary; Martin Flores and Brooke Soroka, of Murphy Elementary; and MacKenzie Putnam and Brianna King, of Turrill Elementary.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
It was "Jazz for Lunch" at Lapeer East High School today

"Jazz Fest" was put on during four lunches for the enjoyment of the East student body by students of Mrs. Lyniece Fenner.
This group of "zero hour" students committed to an extra hour of school in order to make the jazz band a reality.
To see additional pictures of the "groovy" lunch performance, go to the District photo gallery.
Jazz Band,
Jazz for Lunch,
Lapeer East
Wendy Byard writes a new inspirational book for teachers, book signing Saturday, May 30

It's an inspirational book for teachers titled Teach and Reach for Classroom Miracles! Lessons on Teaching With Love. The book was edited and reviewed by Dr. Shirley Harris of the Lapeer County Intermediate School District. Her review appears in the book.
Wendy will be signing her books at the Book Shelf in Lapeer on Saturday, May 30 from 1-4 p.m. For more information visit
There are links on her website to articles written about her and her book.
Seaton hosts Art Show and Ice Cream Social event to highlight accomplishments

The entire school was turned into an art gallery that included a student dressed and portraying famous artist Vincent van Gogh. There were tours of an art garden and a gymnasium gallery.
In this photo first-grader Donavan Mingee shows off his special artwork on display in the Seaton gymnasium.
To see more pictures of the event go to the District photo gallery.
Zemmer Junior High students to study in the great outdoors next week at Skinner Lake
Students will work on math, English, art and even fishing skills – part of the physical education program – during their school day at the center.
The center is an 80-acre District owned property in a beautiful, rural setting in Oregon Township. It is primarily used for science field trips for students from Lapeer and other area districts.
There will be eight stations that students will rotate through during the school day. Four of the stations will involve science subjects including, water quality testing, macro invertebrate collection, classification and observation in a lab setting.
For English, students will write about their surroundings, using their senses.
Math will involve using trigonometry functions to measure the height of a tree.
An outdoor art class will have the students drawing what they see around them.
Fishing rods, received through an outdoor health and physical education grant, will be used as part of the outdoor education and physical education class for that day.
Skinner Lake,
Zemmer Junior High School
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Lapeer East art student draws winning poster in Easter Michigan Fair contest
Wesley’s poster, which depicts a Ferris wheel, a teddy bear, cotton candy and popcorn was chosen from entries from throughout the county.
Eastern Michigan Fair manager Ian Kempf holds the winning poster.
Dawn Wesley,
Lapeer East,
poster contest
Monday, May 18, 2009
Lapeer bus drivers finished third in the Region 10 Bus Road-e-o on Saturday
Of the eight Lapeer competitors, four were driving for the first time in the event.
Lapeer’s top three drivers from last year’s competition did not compete and for the first time in five years, Lapeer did not win the team trophy. Winner of this year’s event were the drivers from the Genesee County Intermediate School District.
The Lapeer transportation team placed third, just 34 points behind drivers from North Branch, who took second. Four Lapeer drivers placed in the top 10.
“We want to thank all of the people in our department and district wide responsible for making the event a success,” said Jerry Podzikowski, Director of Transportation. “We especially want to thank Kevin Walters, Tim Zeeman and their staff for the great hospitality at West. Thanks also to Craig Irish for his help in getting us setup in the morning and cleaning up after we were finished. A special thanks to Vance Holmes who served us well by providing grills and cooking fine ‘tube’ steaks and Superintendent Debbie Thompson for supporting our event.”
“We appreciate all the community businesses and district vendors that contributed gifts and equipment to make the event a success,” Podzikowski said. “Each person who participated and all of the people who helped by judging and assisting us in some way were sent home with a gift that was contributed to us.”
The Lapeer County Road Commission helped by providing road signs for the course.
The Lapeer District will pass the event to another school in Region 10 next year, but the equipment acquired during the past two years will be used by the Transportation Department in future driver training.
While the event is fun and competitive there is a serious point to Road-e-o and that is supporting bus driver training and proficiency.
Lapeer Bus Drivers,
Region 10 competition,
Lapeer East students visit grave of Lt. Cmdr. Victor A. Prather II, space hero
Lt. Commander Prather drowned in the Gulf of Mexico after an extreme high altitude balloon flight to test new astronaut suits for the space program.
A number of East students researched Prather's record-breaking high altitude flight and subsequent tragic end as part of their preparation for the annual trip to Washington, D.C.
The work they did was featured on a WJRT-TV, Channel 12 broadcast.
Several photos of their visit can be found on the District's photo gallery.
Lapeer East,
Victor Prather
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