Six teachers, Craig Beachum, at Lapeer East High School, Kathy Hergenreder at Lapeer West High School, Duane Machesney at Lapeer East High School, Oscar Rodriguez at Lapeer East High School, Luanne VanAllsburg at Lynch Elementary School, and Gail Vettraino at Murphy Elementary School, were honored with Distinguished Educator Awards.
Consideration for the Distinguished Educator Award is based on professional skills, personal qualities, educational expertise and involvement and work done with students in extra-curricular activities, as well as student and educational contributions outside the school environment.
Kathy Lynch, Mayfield Elementary School paraprofessional, Hollie Marcola, Lapeer West High School secretary, and Tim Zeeman, Lapeer West High School athletic director and assistant principal, received Distinguished Service Awards.
Distinguished Service Awards are given to non-certified support staff and administrative staff for exemplary job skills, high personal qualities and dedicated service to the District.
Carolyn Stroh, Turrill Elementary School paraprofessional, received the Outstanding Contributor Award.
Recipients of the Outstanding Contributor Award are those chosen based on creativity, innovation and the development and use of ideas that contribute to improved instruction or those who have “gone beyond the call of duty” in supporting District programs and operations.
Lapeer West secretary Chris Sierakowski received the Pam Markgraf Memorial Employee Health and Assistance Program (E.H.A.P. Award.
The E.H.A.P. award recognizes staff for exemplary contributions to the health and welfare of those working in Lapeer Community Schools.
In addition to the awards, the district honored 17 employees who retired following last year’s employee recognition program, but prior to or during this school year and those who have retired or are leaving the district at the end of the current school year: Linda Blauet, Carolyn Botkins, Jan Burkhardt, Pam Ciaramitaro, Cheryl Coulter, Lauraine Ferris, Linda Fisher, Carol Jones, Susan King, Jenis Stapleton Nagle, Joan Petersen-Smith, Roberta Rickett, Sue Sharma, Anita Spencer, Sue Strump, Gale Waun, and Mary Ann White.
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