Lapeer's testing site is at the Mott Community College campus, 550 Lake Drive, in Lapeer.
Tests will be given at 9 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 2 p.m. and the final test will be at 4 p.m. No appointments are necessary, but tests will start exactly on time.
There are several jobs that are open. Enumerators, those who will follow-up on residents who didn't send in Census forms, will make in the range of $10.75 to $16.50 per hour. Crew leaders will make from $12.25 - $18 an hour, Crew Leader Assistants will make $10.75-$16.50 an hour and Field Operations Supervisors will make $13.75 - $19.50 an hour.
Not exactly school related, but we understand that many people are looking for jobs and we want to help get the word out.