Students in Mrs. Gail Hale’s class wrote letters to Rep. Daley, which they had a chance to present to him in person during his surprise visit, about making the dragonfly the official insect of Michigan.
Last year, Mrs. Hale discovered that Michigan was one of only four states without an official insect. The third-graders were presented with the challenge of researching and then lobbying their State Representative on the issue.
Part of the third grade curriculum includes an outdoor education visit to Skinner Lake where water samples are collected and examined for various life forms. One of the most common underwater findings are dragonfly nymphs which soon climb out of the water to shed their exoskeleton and fly away. (Photo above is Rep. Daleyand students Chase DeLong and Brittany Beck)
Students peppered Rep. Daley with dragonfly facts during his visit. Photos are available on the District photo gallery.
As adults the dragonflies lay eggs in the water and their life cycle is repeated. The third graders from Lynch brought back samples of the dragonfly nymphs to the classroom where they observed this process before releasing the dragonflies outdoors. The experience with this event made the dragonfly their perfect choice for Michigan’s state insect.
This is the second year that the Lynch third graders have written to Representative Daley and now they may have the opportunity to actually visit Lansing to formally present their request.
“The students are excited about this prospect and look forward to learning more about how they can play an active role in our government’s procedures,” said Mrs. Hale.