Students at Rolland-Warner Middle School were part of a worldwide celebration of the International Day of Peace on Sept. 21.
Students lined the walkway near the entrance of the school with hundreds of pinwheels to mark the event.
Pinwheels for Peace is an art installation project started in 2005 by two Art teachers, Ann Ayers and Ellen McMillan, who teach at Monarch High School in Coconut Creek, Florida, as a way for their students to express their feelings about what’s going on in the world and in their lives.

The project was quickly embraced by their students and the entire school community and by millions of art teachers, teachers, parents, children and adults who desire peace in our world.
The first Pinwheels for Peace were installed on Sept. 21, 2005. Since then, it has grown from 500,000 pinwheels planted the first year, to three million pinwheels in 2009!