A few twisted ankles on the new Rolland-Warner Cross Country Course prompted Mike McClellan to take action.
He brought his Bobcat skidsteer to school Oct. 11 and spent the day working over the Cross Country course with a Harley power rake to get rid of all of the bumps and gullies along the 2-mile course that winds through the woods behind the school. He also sewed a little grass seed to prevent erosion and to help keep the course in shape in the future.
Math teacher Wyatt Stevens and science teacher Anne Prill coach the all-new cross country team. They explain that the power rake chewed up the top couple of inches to remove the ruts and bumps so that students weren't twisting their ankles any more. “We had multiple students down with injuries earlier in the season,” said Stevens.
“We really appreciate Mr. McClellan’s help. It’s made a huge difference in the course,” said Prill.
McClellan’s daughter Meghan is an 8th grader and a member of the R-W Cross Country team. Mike McClellan, the owner of M&M Construction in Attica, said he was happy to put in the volunteer effort to make things better for the 33-member team.
This is the first-ever season for Cross Country at the middle school, so many team members are setting new course records in almost every home meet. So far this year, the girls team has compiled an impressive 4-1 record. The boys stand at 1-4.
With the course improvements, the coaches say R-W hopes to be able to host invitational meets in the future, bringing in competitors from all over the Metro League.
Mike McClellan (the guy near the left with the hat) gets a thumbs up for his efforts from the Rolland-Warner Cross Country team.
The all-new Cross Country team at Rolland Warner Middle School includes 33 runners in 7th and 8th grade.