Do you and your child end up yelling at each other while nothing gets done?
What happens if you say you are taking away a treasured electronic toy?
Does being grounded change behavior?
If any of these sounds like a regular occurrence in your home you need the relief that only "Tutoring Made Easy" can provide! Find out what you can do to end this struggle between you and your child! Enroll in Family Literacy Center's FREE workshop for parents and caregivers!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
9:30 am-3:30 pm
Marquerite deAngeli Library
921 W. Nepessing Street
Lapeer, 48446
Lunch and all materials are provided. Registration is required. Adults only, please. No childcare is provided. To register, contact Family Literacy Center at 810-664-2737 or simply reply to this email at Give your name and phone number along with the date of the workshop you wish to register for.
Visit Family Literacy Center on the web at Family Literacy Center and the Lapeer District Library are Partners for Literacy in Lapeer County.