He was a featured presenter last month at a statewide conference in East Lansing sponsored by the Center for Excellence in Education.
The conference was attended by a group of more than 200 teachers, counselors, social workers and administrators. Walters presented a session on the important role of Alternative Education within the Response to Intervention, a concept designed to provide support to all students, with increased interventions and strategies for students that require more intense support in finding academic success.
“Quality alternative programming, with a commitment to Total Quality Management, has the power to provide a model of genuine success for ALL students”, Walters told his fellow educators.
His November 2nd presentation outlined strategies and approaches in practice at Lapeer Community High School that challenge existing mindsets about alternative education.
“Our Board of Education has continued to place both priority and high expectations for all students, including those in the alternative setting. The commitment to a beautiful facility at Cramton and the presence of high-tech classrooms represents a point of pride for the district and community of Lapeer. The staff at Community High School takes that commitment and our responsibility seriously and, in turn, models those priorities and high expectations for our students on a daily basis”.
“The perceptions of old as it relates to alternative education are being replaced by the reality that our alternative education program is a viable high school setting, flexible to the learning styles of our students and small enough to individualize the educational journey. Many students find academic success for the first time within our program.”
In our current state of High School Reform, the importance of alternative education programs across the state will become more and more evident. We all bear responsibility to educate all students in an effort to prepare them to be productive and contributing members of society. The statewide conference offered an opportunity to highlight the commitment of Lapeer Community Schools to that vision.
Please take the time to stop in at Lapeer Community High School, Cramton campus and visit the program.
Photo caption:
LCHS Principal Kevin Walters with students Kayla Borror and Sarah Emmons.