The theme this year is “Lights, Camera, Action!” for more than 50 Talented and Gifted (TAG) students in 2nd through fifth grades in Lapeer Community Schools.

The group gathered for its second outing of the year in the Media Center at Zemmer Middle School in late February for a day of movie-making. TAG students are selected based on exceptional strengths in academic areas and teacher recommendation. The District TAG Advisory Board puts together an all-day event each trimester.
The goal behind these all-day events is to allow these students to collaborate

and socialize with like-minded peers. The TAG Advisory Board is made up of interested teachers from each building, as well as an Art teacher, some Technology teachers and some District administrative staffers.
In the first trimester session in November, students learned documentary film-making. They conducted their interviews and made a mini-documentary using Windows Movie Maker. The students then saved the documentaries on “Flash Drives” purchased with TAG funds.

The second trimester project in February involved short, animated fantasy films. Students scripted, created background sets and shot their animated films using digital cameras. They then edited the movies on computers in the Zemmer Middle School media center.
The third trimester activities will include a premiere of all of the student films.
For a look at photos from the most recent movie-making session, visit