Students at Schickler Elementary recently took part in the school’s first Disability Awareness Day.

Students got an opportunity to visit three main stations that dealt with: Hearing/Vision, Learning/Speech, and Gross Motor/Fine Motor. All students were given the opportunity to see what it is like to have one of these impairments (i.e. put on goggles simulating a severe vision impairment, maneuver through a course with a wheelchair, etc.).

"Teachers said this was an awesome day. Students really enjoyed each station. Some of the students’ thoughts included:
It really helped people see what it is like."

"Some people make fun of others, this really helped." (This came from a girl who has a brother in a wheelchair.)
"It was fun."

"It was kind of sad."
"It was hard. Imagine someone who really has to deal with that every day."
"It was weird using the gloves with cotton in them to see how hard it is to do everyday things."