Each year, Lapeer Neighborhoods, Inc. sponsors a FREE craft/art event targeted to pre-school & elementary age children called “Box City” during the Lapeer Days Festival.
This year’s event will take place during Lapeer Days downtown under the Farmer’s Market Pavilion from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, August 19th, and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, August 20th. Since this is a FREE event, it is quite popular and fun!
The goal is to help educate young people about how healthy, vibrant cities are formed via planning/zoning. The children receive a color coded “permit” at the registration table to build a place to live, work, buy things or help people. They then receive small cardboard boxes and crafts to decorate their “building.”
This activity is supported by the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs. The Downtown Business Association also supports the program annually. Local involvement is key to the success of this event!!
Sometimes older students are the best volunteers for this program! Younger children really relate to teenage mentors. If any junior high or high school students are interested in volunteering (parents and art teachers are also always welcome), they can contact Denise Soldenski, Grant Administrator for the City of Lapeer at (810) 245-4221 or dsoldenski@ci.lapeer.mi.us.