Thursday, May 7, 2009

First-graders make annual visits to Safetyville

In what is a first-grade right of passage in Lapeer County, first-grade students are making their visits to Safetyville this spring.

Sponsored by the Lapeer County Sheriff's Department and a number of local businesses, Safetyville is a fun way for children to learn safety tips and techniques.

Sheriff's deputy Stacey Stimson talks to the children about bike and water safety, the importance of not touching guns they may find, avoiding the advances of strangers and the meaning and importance of traffic signs.

The children then have a chance to drive a course that is fitted with signs and traffic signals where they learn to stop, look both ways and then proceed when they have the green light.

Also students are taught how to cross roads and railroad tracks, if they happen upon them.

To see photos of a Lynch and Mayfield class visiting Safetyville go to the District's photo gallery.

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