Friday, June 4, 2010

District administration proposes $3 million in budget cuts to Board of Education

A budget recommendation to cut $3 million from the 2010-2011 District budget, which includes large cost items like contracted food service, a reduction in bus driver hours due to a change in middle school and elementary school schedules and many smaller cuts, will be discussed further at the June 17 Board of Education meeting.

In addition to retirements, the District also proposes saving $500,000 by not replacing five teachers and another $210,000 by reducing the number of new buses purchased.

Other recommended cuts include, reducing and restructuring administrative staff at central office, eliminating auxiliary secretaries at the elementary schools and reducing custodial costs through contracting services as current employees retire.

Smaller cuts are also proposed like allowing parents to choose paper or electronic copies of school mailings, an expected savings of $11,300. That leaves the District spending about $1.5 million from the District’s fund equity.

Board members requested additional budget information and further discussion before making a final decision.

A special Board of Education meeting will be set to adopt the budget following the June 17 discussion. By State law a budget must be in place by June 30.