Monday, November 8, 2010

Middle School PTCs meet November 11

The Middle School PTCs for both Rolland-Warner and Zemmer Middle Schools have scheduled evening meetings on Thursday, November 11th..

The Zemmer Middle School PTC will meet in the Zemmer Media Center at 6:00 pm. The Zemmer PTC executive board will meet at 5:30pm.

The Rolland-Warner Middle School PTC will meet in the Rolland-Warner Media Center at 6:30 pm. The Rolland-Warner PTC executive board will meet prior to the general meeting.

The PTCs at both schools encourage any interested parents to please consider coming to see what the PTC is all about. This is a great way to stay involved and be a part of your child’s school.

At the conclusion of the Zemmer PTC meeting a Parent Advisory Council meeting also will be held in the Zemmer Media Center at 7:00pm. The purpose of the PAC is to both educate parents on topics that are important to them as well as provide a forum for our parents to talk directly with school administration regarding current issues.

The PTC welcomes any interested parents wishing to attend to join them.