On Saturday, February 27, the students decorated cakes for a fund raiser for Ruth Wolski, the mother of East teacher Rejean Wolski. Ruth Wolski recently underwent a bone marrow transplant to treat her leukemia. Orange is the color for leukemia in the same way pink is the color for breast cancer. The club made, decorated and donated the cakes to the event.
The Lapeer East Cake Decorating Club has about 20 members, with senior Tiffany Turner as founder and president. The Club is on Facebook at Lapeer East Cake Club. The club also donated a cake to the Family Literacy Center of Lapeer.
The cake decorators can always use donations or a bakery willing to donate “naked” cakes to help fund their benevolent work. The Club has raised money for supplies and cake mixes through returnable bottle and can drives and bake sales at school events.
For now, Club advisor, Mrs.Terrie Hazard, the students and one mother, Lynn Turner, Tiffany Turner’s mother, have been doing the baking at home.
To help the students call Mrs. Hazard at Lapeer East High School at (810) 667-2418 or at thazard.lapeerschools.org.