Friday, March 27, 2009

Beatniks, bongos and poetry at the Hadley "Coffeehouse Poetry Night" March 26

Three first grade teachers took their students, parents and other relatives on a trip to the past with a "Coffeehouse Poetry Night" at the Hadley campus of Hadley-Murphy Elementary School Thursday, March 26.

Teachers, Ms. Karen Allmen, Mrs. Gayle Budzynski and Mrs. Emily Wenzel-Miles, presented the program to highlight the work done by their students in putting together poetry books this year.

Students each had a chance to read one of their favorite poems and the audiences responded in the fashion of the 1960s by clicking their fingers.

Mrs. Wenzel-Miles students also presented a special poem to long time substitute teacher, Jodee Colleck.

Students, parents and staff enjoyed a feast of homemade cookies and desserts before and after the performances.

It was real cool, man.

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